XtGem Forum catalog


Multi trick filelist

Advanced Xtscript filelist that includesPreview thumbnails
Xtcat counters
Short descriptions
File search
A built in landing page
Forced download
Description files
Hupso Share Buttons
Same classes as blog
* Cogs_in_motion.gif Hits
Rotating cogs animgif
* Hold_Your_Head_Up.mp3 Hits
Released as a single in 1972


NOTE: The filter used will remove all files that DO NOT have a file extension

Preview images

The preview images addresses are extracted from the first image in the description file and resized to 16px (it does not have to be the first item in the description or the only image) if there is no image nothing shows


For the counters to work you will need an account at  Xtcat 
You will need to activate Xtcat counters and install the Xtcat widget from the market
To enable counters in the script

Short descriptions

Short descriptions in the in the filelist are extracted from the description file using the content of the first
<xt:text>...</xt:text> pair
There is a option to disable short descriptions in the settings


The script converts the filelist paging to use the same classes and markup as the xt:blog paging
there is a option to turn this off in the filelist settings
turn it off if you are using a xtscript custom paging script

File search

Simple file search that filters results to those starting with the search query
there is a option to turn off search in the settings

Landing page

The landing page uses the same page as the filelist
Download is forced by the __xt_download=1 xtgem 'get' variable and the html5 download attribute (chrome/firefox ) in the landing page filelist template


Create a folder named "descriptions"
The descriptions folder must be in the same folder as the filelist page or it will not work (Xt:script limitation)
Create your description files for your download files
The files should have the same name as the download file WITHOUT any . extension
They can be html pages or plain text files
Only the content between the <body> tags of html files will be used (including any container) the rest will be ignored
They can contain almost anything except Xtscripts

The first image in the file will be used as the preview icon image on the filelist page
The first text in <xt:text>...</xt:text> tags will be used for the short description on the filelist page

Hupso share buttons

The idea to use these came from Laxmikanta on xtboard
To make them work correctly set

(set your own default page title)
in the title of your filelist page
this will put the name of the file into the title of the page and the title attribute of the share buttons
To disable social buttons set $hupso_social_buttons to 0

Css classes

This uses the same classes as xt:blog


Upload by remote server and the use xt:include to add to your page
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