Random order filelist
list all or part of the contents of a folder in a random orderThe script uses a xt:filelist function to create a javascript array
It then shuffles the array and displays the result
I have separated the script into 2 sections add each one to a code block or add them with a xt:include in the order shown
Filelist template variables
"parsed" option has underscores converted to spaces
"base" option returns the file name without the extension
.file_type. returns the name of the icon file
(without .png extension)
As used by the Xtgem filebrowser for that type of file
.file_size. .file_size_kb. .file_size_mb.
.file_mime. .file_type.
.file_date. .file_time. .file_datetime.
Set your preferences in this script
There is no point in paging as you would just get another random list.
So if you do not wish to show all the files set the number of items below
The script will automatically convert the template to the correct format for the filelist function.
The template must be all on one line
Or by "remote server" from http://ggnnww.yn.lt/rof_settings.js
and add to your page above the other script using xt:include
The javascript
There is no need to edit this script
Or by "remote server" from http://ggnnww.yn.lt/rof_javascript.js
and add to your page below the other script using xt:include
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